Friday, January 24, 2020
My Twelve Hours of Independence :: Personal Narrative
My Twelve Hours of Independence As the expansive tour bus inscribed with Arrow Stage Lines on both sides, pulled up to the station, I felt my heart leap with excitement. This was really happening to me. All this time of planning and anticipating, and now my dream was coming true! I could hardly wait to be on my own and to be away from my family for a whole week! Looking around, I could see only five other people that I knew. Four of these people were my family members and the other was a friend of mine who was going with me. The driver of the huge bus climbed down from his perch behind the wheel and introduced himself as Juan Alvarez. I loaded my luggage into the compartment below the bus, told my family goodbye, and walked up the steps of the bus. I soon met the three other people who were riding with John and me and then settled into my seat for the long bus ride to Liberty, Missouri where we would be attending the Farmland Youth Leadership Conference. The five of us were basically on our own. It was just us and the bus driver, who couldn't speak very much English. We had a lot of stops along the way to pick up other students attending the conference so we plugged in a movie and turned on the zone mode that would get us through the twelve-hour drive. After only one minor delay of our bus breaking down just outside of Denver, we had successfully picked up all of the attendees from Colorado. There were about twenty-five of us altogether. We changed drivers in Denver, then drove on towards Hays, Kansas, where we would pick up some more students. By this time, it was about 6:30 in the morning, and the bus was nearing the small town of Ellis, which is about twenty minutes outside of Hays. The movie Pure Country was playing, but I had fallen asleep long before it had started. It was just finishing when it happened. One minute I was comfortably curled up, lying across two seats and the next I was bounced into the aisle of the bus. Thankfully, John was sitting in the seat directly across from mine, so he helped me up out of the aisle and had me sit down next to him. I watched in horror as the bus sped through the grassy median and then bounced back on to the Interstate. The entire bus was in a state of confusion, as almost everybody had been asleep when the bus went off the road.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Health and Social Care induction Booklet
Check these details with the people you care for and stick to them. Rights We all have rights and just because we can no longer kick after our selves this goes not mean all our rights disappear, the right to go to bed when we want. The right to decide what to wear and which room we want to sit in. Choice If you were unable to choose anything for yourself ask yourself would you be happy if these choices were taken away from you! The answer I'm sure is no! Then why would the people you are caring for be any different. Rivalry If everyone just walked into your house without asking would you be happy, NO. Knock on the door before entering a room; make sure the door is closed when carrying out personal hygiene. Protect the private information Of the people you care for as if it was yours. Independence Allow the people you care for to do things for themselves, you are there to support them to be independent Dignity To treat someone with dignity is to treat them as being of importance, in a way that is considerate of their diversity, as valued individuals.When dignity is present people feel in control, valued, confident, comfortable and able to make decisions for themselves. Respect Respect involves valuing the people you care for, acknowledging their value. This will express itself in certain behaviors for example extending common oratories, expressing concern for others and their well-being taking their feelings and experiences seriously. The Guidance and standards that is relevant to your role – Human Rights Act There are 16 basic rights in the Human Rights Act. Each one is called an Article.They are all taken from the European Convention on Human Rights. They affect everybody. They are also about your rights in everyday life. What you can say and do. Your beliefs. The right to life Freedom from being tortured or killed The right to marry and a family life The right to liberty and security Freedom of expression Protection from discrimination in respect of th ese rights and freedoms UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Protects the rights of all children to an education, to be healthy, to a childhood, to be treated fairly and to be heard.These included the ‘Right to life The right to family life It forbids capital punishment General Social Care Council Code of Practice Provides a clear guide, for those who work, in health and social care. Setting out the standards of practice, responsibilities and conduct for employees and their employers to follow. Employee should- Protect the rights of the service userRespect the rights of the service user Promote the independence of the service user Establish and maintain Be accountable and take responsibility for your actions Employers should- Ensure that the people they employ are suitable and understand their role and responsibility Provide appropriate training and development for their employees to strengthen their skills Have policies and procedures in place to cover any dangerous or di scriminatory behavior Nursing and Midwifery Council code of Practice You must make the care of the person you care for your primary concern.You have a duty of care always to them. You are personally accountable for your actions or inactions in your work life always. Valuing and Respecting Service Users Values guide the way we live our lives and the decisions we make. A value is defined as something that we hold dear, those characters or behaviors which we consider to be of importance. Everyone has the right to be valued and respected for their own individuality. We should take the service user's feelings, needs, thoughts, ideas, wishes and preferences into consideration. It means taking all of these seriously and giving them worth and value.Giving money respect seems similar to valuing them and their thoughts, feelings, etc. It also includes acknowledging them, listening to them, being truthful with them, and accepting their individuality and differences. Treat others how you would want yourself or a relative to be treated. Valuing Adults Listen to the service user, ask them what they want and how they want to do it, then help them to achieve it. Do not automatically do things for the service user; allow them to do things for themselves and aide when required Be flexible allow service user to decide when they want to do things such as eating, going to bed, getting up.Valuing children Acknowledge them When you communicate with a child come down to their level Treat them as equals Encourage them to do things for themselves Be patient The importance of a person-centered approach is to ensure the service user is thought of first before anyone else. Also it makes sure that the knowledge that a service user has about what they want and need, then provides information about what is the best thing to do. As a career you should focus on the wants, wishes and needs of the service user.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Essay on Vietnam and Korean Wars Ruined Americas Image
The Vietnam War and Korean War greatly changed America forever. It was the longest war fought in America’s history, lasting from 1950 to 1973. Both of the Wars ruined America’s self-image by waging war against the people of Korea and Vietnam becoming the first time in history the United States failed to accomplish its stated war aims, to preserve a separate, independent, non-communist government. The elections had great effects on the America, as the communist parties of Korea and Vietnam led millions of their people to restore the independence of each individual country. The Americans strictly against national elections rose to take control, but ended up mishandling the situation. Now the question is not about how come they did this, but†¦show more content†¦However, this election never happened, because the United States knew that, if the elections would happen, the North Vietnamese communist would likely win because the popularity of communist parties was gr owing through Vietnam and Korea. This was identified to be dangerous for America; it would extremely weaken their global power, and strengthen the Soviet Union. The war itself did show clearly to the Soviet Union that the U.S. was willing to use any methods required to stop the spread of communism. America is a country which always told the citizens of their country that they will do anything to save the citizens of any country; they had the belief in spreading freedom and democracy internationally. Meaning that when they intervened the situation in Vietnam, they were actually stopping the elections, because it would cause too much harm to the people of Vietnam, but instead the United States were not protecting the Vietnamese people, rather they were harming them. Not only did the U.S. prevent the Vietnamese from taking part in elections, but during the course of the war, civilian fatalities were treated as horribly. Because the North-Vietnamese forces were peasants, just like the civilians, they were very difficult to tell apart. There are recorded cases of entire villages of being examined because of suspicion of the communist from North Vietnam. America’s commitment of saving citizens was not as pure as it seemed, they caused a lotShow MoreRelatedWhy Did The United St ates Lose The War Of Vietnam? Essay1545 Words  | 7 Pageslose the war in Vietnam? Could the US have won? Before the Vietnam War, the United States had never lost a war. 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