Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Western Civilizations (Unit VII) an Example of the Topic History Essays by
Western Civilizations (Unit VII) Assessment Essay Questions What social change was Stalin attempting to achieve in the Soviet Union during the 1930s? For what reason do you think he felt committed to complete the Great Purges of the late 1930s? The sort of social change that Stalin was attempting to achieve in the Soviet Union during the 1930s was the production of the New Soviet Person (Hoffmann, 2003). He accepted that communist qualities must be imparted in all citizenry close by the usage of the approaches of industrialization, urbanization and modernization. Stalins Soviet Union, in this way, was a Soviet rendition of the (Enlightenment) motivation to revamp and improve society (Hoffman, 2003). Human instinct itself must be custom fitted to suit the requests of communism. Need article test on Western Civilizations (Unit VII) Assessment Essay Questions point? We will compose a custom article test explicitly for you Continue College Students Often Tell EssayLab support: What amount do I need to pay somebody to make my article today? Paper author experts propose: Essaylab.Com Can Provide You With The Winning Academic Essay For Stalin, this could possibly occur if the Soviet Union detached itself from the remainder of the world (Chambers, Hanawalt, Rabb, Woloch, Grew and Tiersten, 2007). Without outside impedance, the nation would have the option to build up a situation that is helpful for the development of the New Soviet Person. Therefore, Stalin executed estimates that would apparently change the Soviet Union into a confident modern force. The First (1928-1932), Second (1933-1937) and Third (1938-1942) Five-Year Plans all endeavored to collectivize horticulture and push for industrialization, with shocking outcomes. Starvation resulted as the legislature held onto grain from laborers to take care of mechanical specialists and to send out so as to raise installments for imported apparatus that was fundamental for industrialization (Chambers, Hanawalt, Rabb, Woloch, Grew and Tiersten, 2007). When the Soviet Union gained some similarity to self-governance, the legislature painstakingly observed the individuals for against Soviet exercises. Relationship of scholars, artists and specialists were obliged to concoct star Soviet promulgation. Mass associations were established to inculcate laborers and the young. Individuals from the gathering who reprimanded Soviet belief system or even displayed wariness were promptly blamed for injustice (Chambers, Hanawalt, Rabb, Woloch, Grew and Tiersten, 2007). Stalin felt committed to complete the Great Purges of the late 1930s since he in the end supplanted communism as the focal point of Soviet society (Chambers, Hanawalt, Rabb, Woloch, Grew and Tiersten, 2007). Not exclusively was his image actually all over the place; centerpieces were committed to him and industrial facilities were named after him. Dreadful of potential intrigues against him, particularly after the death of close partner Sergei Kirov in 1934, Stalin utilized savagery to dispense with everybody whom he saw to be his foe. From 1934 to 1939, engineers, Ukrainian separatists, previous Mensheviks and gathering individuals blamed for being counterrevolutionaries were captured, attempted and executed. For what reason did the United States become so frightful of the Soviet Union after 1945? For what reason was the Soviet Union so frightful of the United States? The United States turned out to be so dreadful of the Soviet Union after 1945 in light of the fact that during this period, socialism was quickly extending all through Eastern Europe and the Third World (De Escobar, Kelly and Romero, 2002). The post-World War II monetary atmosphere inclined well to the political left. The experience of destitution during the war brought about famous requests for broad land, government assistance and monetary change. Familiar with wartime controls, individuals saw financial arranging as the best methods for guaranteeing monetary development and value after the war (Painter, 1999). The political left increased further notoriety due to the key job that the Soviet Union played in vanquishing Nazi Germany. The triumph of the Soviet Union over Nazism brought about resistance, if not a supporting legend, for proceeded with socialist standard. All the while, socialist gatherings and other radical gatherings made progress all through Europe and in certain pieces of the Third World (Painter, 1999). By 1947, the Soviet Union had just settled Communist systems in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Hungary (MSN Encarta, 2008). Socialism was similarly very nearly accepting force in France, Italy, Greece, China and Vietnam (Painter, 1999). The US felt incredibly compromised with the previously mentioned advancements the Republicans (solid adversaries of the New Deal) ruled the after war legislature of the previous (Painter, 1999). US President Harry S. Truman in this way gave in 1947 the Truman Doctrine, an approach which stretched out military help to any country that was under the danger of Soviet expansionism (MSN Encarta, 2008). Yet, the Soviet Union was likewise frightful of the US Soviet pioneers were a lot of mindful that their countrys political, monetary and military force was incredibly substandard compared to that of the US (Painter, 1999). The Soviet Unions wartime notoriety can no longer shroud the destitution that socialism has created upon the nation. The Soviet Union in this manner found a way to show a figment of intensity. In 1949, it led its first atomic testing. In 1961, the Soviet Union developed the Berlin Wall so as to forestall the departure of East German displaced people to West Germany (MSN Encarta, 2008). In counter, the US sent soldiers and rockets in vital areas in different pieces of the world. This competition between the US and the Soviet Union came to be known as the Cold War. References Chambers, M., Hanawalt, B., Rabb, T.K., Woloch, I., Grew, R., and Tiersten, L. (2007). The Western Experience, Volume II (ninth ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies. De Escobar, J.K., Kelly, J., and Romero, C.A. (2002). The United States and Venezuela: Rethinking a Relationship. New York: Routledge. Hoffmann, D.L. (2003). Stalinist Values: The Cultural Norms of Soviet Modernity, 1917-1941. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. MSN Encarta. (2008). Cold War.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Should You Freeze Your Credit
Should You Freeze Your Credit Should You Freeze Your Credit? Should You Freeze Your Credit?Freezing your credit will mean scammers cant steal your identity and open new accounts in your name. But is it the best way to protect your money?It’s quite cold outside. So cold, in fact, that your credit might just freeze!Just kidding. It’ll take more than leaving your credit in the snow to freeze it. But what does freezing your credit even accomplish? And should you do it? And how would you do it?Those are the questions we’re here to answer. So chill out, cause we’re talking credit freezes. What does it mean to freeze your credit?Wouldn’t it be … ice … to keep your credit score to yourself? Well, you can! At least temporarily.“What is a credit freeze?†asked Robert Siciliano (@RobertSiciliano), Security Awareness Expert and CEO of Safr.Me, rhetorically. “It’s an action you take to lock down your credit report. A lender can’t see your score, which means your Social Security number and credit rating is useless to them. In other w ords, they can’t tell if you are risky or not.“When an identity thief can access your ID (aka your Social Security number), they can also create credit in your name. However, if your credit file is frozen, the bad guys can’t access it any longer. With a credit freeze, your credit file is inaccessible.â€Should you freeze your credit?As you might have been able to gather from context, one of the main reasons to freeze your credit is if you’re worried you’ve been the victim of identity theft.“The very best thing you can do to protect yourself from many forms of identity theft is to put a credit freeze on your credit report at each of the three major credit reporting agencies,†recommended Steve Weisman, lawyer, author, and identity theft expert who writes at Scamicide (@Scamicide).“Having a credit freeze on your credit reports at the three major credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, will prevent criminals from accessing your credit reports in ord er to open accounts, access credit or make major purchases in your name even if the criminal has your Social Security number and other personal information.Particularly due to the fact that with large numbers of data breaches including the massive data breach at Equifax, your Social Security number may already be in the hands of an identity thief so freezing your credit is important.â€But surely freezing your credit must have some major disadvantages, right? Not necessarily!“With data leaks becoming increasingly common, it makes sense to freeze your credit,†explained Austin Grandt, founder of Financial Toolbelt (@fintoolbelt). “If your social security number gets leaked, it is possible for someone to open accounts in your name if your credit isnt frozen. Freezing your credit is a precaution that does not cost you anything and can save a lot of headaches in the future.If you are curious if your information has been a part of any hacks, use the tool Have I Been Pwned. This wil l give you some context about the extent of data leaks and help you make an informed decision if you want to freeze your credit or not.â€How do you freeze your credit?OK, so this freezing your credit business sounds like it can be a good way to deal with identity theft. But how do you do it?“Freezing your credit is not an inconvenience, explained Siciliano. “It only takes a couple of minutes to freeze and unfreeze your credit file. Of course, you need to unfreeze before getting approved for credit. That simply means prior to initiating an application for credit, you need to spend 5 minutes administrating the thaw.This boils down to a simple change in the current process which makes you more secure. Think of a freeze as putting on your seatbelt. It’s just something you have to do. To freeze your credit with Equifax, click here. To freeze your credit with Experian, click here. To freeze your credit with Transunion, click here.â€And you’re sure it won’t cost anything?“The cost to freeze your credit was between $0 and $10 per credit bureau agency, the cost depending on the law in your state,†Justin Lavelle, Chief Communications Officer at BeenVerified (@BeenVerified), told us. “However, since September 21, 2018, there’s been no cost to place or lift a credit freeze.The removal of the fees doesn’t make the process easier; however, the removal of fees makes the process more attractive to consumers who were hesitant to pay a fee for placing a freeze and for each lifting of the freeze. The process has become faster since the credit freeze was first introduced several years ago. Presently, a freeze can be lifted in minutes via the internet or by phone.â€Are there alternatives to freezing your credit?Freezing your credit isn’t the only way to counter identity theft, though each method has its own upsides and downsides.“While various identity theft protection services are available from companies such as Lifelock and others, none of these comp anies protect you from identity theft,†warned Weisman. “They merely alert you to identity theft sooner than you would otherwise become aware of the problem and while that it is important, freezing your credit can actually prevent many instances of identity theft.â€You could also look at a credit lock. How does that differ from a credit freeze, you might ask?“One difference is the simplicity,†Lavelle explained. “It’s easier to lift a credit lock than it is to lift a credit freeze. Once you freeze your credit report with the three credit report bureaus, you can only unfreeze it through the use of a PIN. Once you lock your credit report, you can unlock it at any point, instantly, via your computer or mobile.Another difference is the cost associated with each service. The credit freeze doesn’t cost the consumer. The credit lock service has a monthly fee, typically of $20. Finally, a credit freeze offers a legal advantage over a credit lock. State laws govern and mandate credit freezes whereas a contract between the consumer and the credit bureau mandates credit locks.â€And a credit freeze also offers protection that a fraud alert does not.“A fraud alert only lasts for 90 days, and the bad guys can still access your credit file and apply for new credit,†warned Siciliano. “This informs a creditor that you might have had your ID stolen, but they can still, and do, issue credit. At their best, fraud alerts simply notify lenders that something might be going on with your identity. It’s really just a false sense of security.â€Hopefully, you now have a sense of what freezing your credit means and why you should do it. Now even if you’ve been exposed to a risk of identity theft, you don’t have to lose your cool. To read more about keeping your finances safe from potential scammers, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:10 Tips to Protect Your Money for Cyber Security Awareness MonthNever Trust and Always Verify: How to A void Getting Scammed Over Email10 Common Scams: How They Work and How to Avoid ThemDating App Dangers: 7 Tips to Avoid Getting Scammed by a Fake RomanceWhat other questions do you have about fraud protection? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.ContributorsAustin Grandt is the founder of Financial Toolbelt (@fintoolbelt), a site that helps millennials understand and improve their finances. He is also a software developer passionate about building tools that build financial literacy.Justin Lavelle is a Scams Prevention Expert and the Chief Communications Officer of (@BeenVerified). BeenVerified is a leading source of online background checks and contact information. It helps people discover, understand and use public data in their everyday lives and can provide peace of mind by offering a fast, easy and affordable way to do background checks on potential dates. BeenVerified allows individuals to find more information about people, phone numbe rs, email addresses, and property records.Robert Siciliano (@RobertSiciliano) is a #1 Best-Selling Author and CEO of Safr.Me. Safr.Me is funny but serious about teaching you and your audience fraud prevention and personal security. Robert is a United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla Staff Officer of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security whose motto is Semper Paratus (Always Ready). His programs are cutting edge, easily digestible and provide best practices to keep you, your clients and employees safe and secure. Your audience will walk away as experts in identity theft prevention, online reputation management, online privacy and data security.Steve Weisman is a lawyer, college professor at Bentley University and author. He is one of the country’s leading experts in identity theft. His most recent book is “Identity Theft Alert.†He also writes the blog (@Scamicide) where he provides daily updated information about the latest scams and identi ty theft schemes.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is Matter A Big Controversy - 1653 Words
Introduction Definition of matter was a big controversy in science. Approximately two and third millennium ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 BC -322 BC) wrote that matter consist of fire, wind, earth and water and that different compounds are obtained by different combinations of these elements (Laycock, 1979). Around 2000 years after that and through many contributions from many scientists, William Odin categorised the elements based on their atomic number and stated that these elements combine with one another to create different compounds (Scerri, 2007). At present, around 100 elements react with one another to form thousands of known and unknown compounds. However in the last century, it was found that these elements and compounds only represent 4.9% of the universe. The other 95% is dark matter (26.8%) and dark energy (68.3%) (Francis, 2013). This means that scientists spent more than two millennia trying to understand the smallest portion of the universe. Hence, scientists are new t o the concept of dark matter and dark energy. So what is dark matter and dark energy that represent the majority of the universe and what are the theories that illustrates their behaviour in the universe, causing dark matter and dark energy be accepted hypothesis to explain the different observation? Figure 1 shows how small the ordinary matter is in the vast universe Dark Energy In the eighteenth century, Immanuel Kant proposed that there could be other galaxies and systems likeShow MoreRelated the rookie Essay1158 Words  | 5 Pagesthat is based on the life of Jimmy Morris, an ex-major league baseball player. The subject matter of the movie was to never quit; try, try again or at least until you reach your goal. This film inspires the person to fulfill their dreams no matter how impossible they may seem. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There were not many major characters in this movie, but all played an important roll to the subject matter. 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File Processing Commands Free Essays
What UID and PID have the highest amount of physical memory a process has used and is not swapped out? Show all processes and full output. †¢ top press f press d press p You’ll will find cpu usage in descending order for all processes. †¢If using a long listing and no process modifiers, what is the swap space amount for the bash command? †¢ top -p pidof_bash After typing the above command press A (Capital a). We will write a custom essay sample on File Processing Commands or any similar topic only for you Order Now You will see the below output. 1 PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 2021 xyz 20 0 XXXXX XXXX 1664 S 0 0. 2 0:00. 43 bash PID PPID TIME+ %CPU %MEM PR NI S VIRT SWAP RES UID COMMAND 2021 2019 0:00. 43 0 0. 2 20 0 S 22132 16m 4952 1000 bash 3 PID %MEM VIRT SWAP RES CODE DATA SHR nFLT nDRT S PR NI %CPU COMMAND 2021 0. 2 22132 16m 4952 XXX XXXX X664 1 0 S 20 0 0 bash 4 PID PPID UID USER RUSER TTY TIME+ %CPU %MEM S COMMAND 2021 2019 1000 xyz xyz pts/0 0:00. 43 0 0. 2 S bash Above you can see the swap space. You can also try top -p pidofbash press f press p press enter You’ll see the swap space too. †¢When using top command, what command would you use to kill a process? †¢ Press k to kill a process If you were not using top command, what command would you use to kill a process? kill processid killall processname †¢What command would you use to manually mount the standard CD-ROM device /dev/db1 at /media/disk? mount /dev/db1 /media/disk †¢What command would you use to display the amount of available disk space on /dev/db1 in a human readable form? df -h /dev/db1 †¢Type in the command grep – – help to access the help manual. Using this information and the information from the text, how would you write a command to find the pattern 111 in a file called myfile. txt? grep -irna â€Å"111†myfile. txt How to cite File Processing Commands, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Legality Of Abortion Essays (7249 words) - , Term Papers
Legality of Abortion Abortion must be a legal and attainable procedure for women throughout the United States. Abortion is a subject which easily fits into the themes of CORE 1. Abortion pertains to many issues which are involved in CORE 1. CORE 1 analyzes civil rights as well as equal treatment for women in America. Abortion challenges the civil rights of the mother and the fetus which she bears. To deny abortion is denying the mother certain civil rights, but if the fetus is considered a person, then the rights of the fetus are being denied by allowing abortion to be legal. Abortion has been an element of human life for centuries. It dates back to BC times. Ancient abortions usually consisted of mildly poisoning a pregnant mother. The poison was hoped to be just strong enough to kill the fetus, yet mild enough to keep the woman alive. Also, sometimes women would receive physical blows to their abdomen an effort to kill the fetus. Since both of these methods were very dangerous for women, infanticide was a much more popular form of abortion. Infanticide is grossly just the killing of the baby directly after birth (3 Gilbert). J. Gilbert, the author of an informative Texas state web-page, states that some time after 1750, a new procedure was introduced to abortion. The new procedure consisted of probing objects through the cervix and into the uterus of the women to accomplish the abortion (4 Gilbert). Laurence Tribe, author of Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes, states that the court case Roe v. Wade revolutionized the legality of abortion. The case set boundaries and regulations illustrating how much power the mother and state possess in deciding whether to abort a pregnancy (12 Tribe). During the past twenty-five years abortion has become one of the most debated controversies in the Unite States' history. The issues surrounding abortion strike questions based on ethics, morals, emotions, and law. There are many alternative perspectives from which people can approach the legality and morality of abortion. But basically there are pro-life people and pro-choice people. People who are pro-choice believe that women hold the right to abort a pregnancy, but people who are pro-life believe that abortion is wrong and unjust to the fetus. When pondering issues surrounding abortion, many questions come to mind. Is a fetus a human being? Is abortion physically and mentally safe for women? And finally, should abortion be legal? It is only after exploring these questions can a person justify their position on abortion. A major question which strikes at the heart of abortion legality and morality is: When is an embryo considered a life or human being? Many people argue that life begins at the point of conception. Bonnie Steinbock, an author who considers herself an expert on fetuses and their legal rights, says, Conception is the joining of the male and female sex cells which have twenty-three chromosomes each. The process of conception takes twelve hours, at which time the egg is completely fertilized and becomes known as a zygote. Distinct and unique characteristics of a person are determined at the time of conception. After the time of conception, until death, nothing will be added or removed from the genetic make-up of an individual (200 Steinbock). In other words, everything physically and chemically is determined shortly after the point of conception. Being alive means that an object grows, develops, and matures. A zygote, from the time of conception grows, develops parts of its body, and replaces its own dying cells. The heart of the zygote begins beating just eighteen days after conception (198 Steinbock). This is often well before the mother even realizes that she is pregnant. After three months, all of the fetus's organs are formed and all of the bodily systems are working. The fetus can swim, grasp a pointer, move freely in the womb, and excrete urine. If a doctor injects a sweet solution into the fluid surrounding the fetus, the fetus will swallow it because it likes the taste. If a bitter solution is injected, the fetus will realize the taste and quit swallowing (196 Steinbock). The previous examples are evidence enough that life begins at conception, or at the time the fetus's heart begins to beat. Others believe that the life of the fetus is just merely the life of the woman until the fetus is born. Those people who believe that life does not start until
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Investment Portfolio Essay Example
Investment Portfolio Essay Example Investment Portfolio Essay Investment Portfolio Essay Investment Portfolio Name: Course: Institution: Instructor: Date: Investment Portfolio The investment portfolio would take more than seven years considering there are bonds that will mature after 10 years. Therefore, the time horizon for this project would be in the long term. Although other investments such as securities are within seven years, the bonds make the investment a long-term project. The investment experience for this project can be described as extensive considering the time horizon as well as the investment portfolio itself, which combines several investments in the long term. With securities and bonds that go for more than seven years, the investment can be describes as extensive (Goldie Murray, 2011). Additionally, it is an investment by the same person, meaning the portfolio is diversified making it extensive. I do not intend to withdraw retirement savings for non-retirement expenses. This raises the risk of having no retirement savings in the end. Therefore, I would prefer leaving the retirement savings untouched and exploit other means. I would consider retirement savings to be a future investment, and should not be withdrawn since it means having no savings at the end. However, if it is an investment withdrawal likely to earn more, I could consider withdrawing. In case of an emergency, my long-term investment would last for quite some time if the emergency were not solved by short-term investments. My long-term investments would last for more than a year, about two years in the event of a significant amount of emergency. The monthly income used for paying up the installment debt is between 25% and 50% per month, which does not include the mortgage. The installment debt does vary with the variation of interest rate in the market but does not exceed 50% of my salary. In the future, about five years from now I expect that my salary and earnings will be able to grow and exceed the inflation, considering the investments I have made. As I expect my investment to grow within the five years, I would also expect my earnings to exceed the inflation rate or grow faster than the inflation rate within the five-year period (Goldie Murray, 2011). I could be ready to take some risks for my investment in order to exceed the inflation rate. Currently, the investment is likely to exceed the inflation rate in the future. However, if it would require taking more risks, I would take some, but not to a big extent. During steep decline in the equity markets, many people or investors are under pressure to sell their investment. At this time, the equities sell at a cheap price. Therefore, I would see it as a chance of increasing my investment by buying more equities. Therefore, after a steep decline, I would be comfortable, and see it as a chance of buying more equities (Hagin, 2004). If I had $100,000 invested and lost 20%, which is $20,000, I would see it as an investment opportunity and buy more since many investors would sell cheap at that time to avoid further loss. I would probably hope they would gain in the future, when I shall have some profit. However, if the investment dropped by another $12,000, which is 15% loss to make it 35 in total, I would still hold on and wait for them to gain. Selling the entire investment would mean a bigger loss than waiting for them to gain and earn some earnings. References Goldie, D. C., Murray, G. S. (2011). The investment answer: Learn to manage your money protect your financial future. New York, NY: Business Plus. Hagin, R. (2004). Investment management: Portfolio diversification, risk, and timing–fact and fiction. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
The Three Restauranteers
The Three Restauranteers The Three Restauranteers The Three Restauranteers By Maeve Maddox A reader asks about a word that means â€Å"a person who owns and manages a restaurant†: I recently saw the term restauranteer on someones resume. Ive heard of musketeers, and even mountaineers; but I thought restauranteurs and connoisseurs were in a different category? The reader may be surprised to know that the Word spellchecker flags both restauranteer and restauranteurs as misspellings. The standard form is restaurateur. The suffix -eer is an Anglicized form of the French suffix -ier. It is used to form nouns denoting persons. For example, French canonnier gives English cannoneer; French muletier gives English muleteer. The usual sense of such nouns is â€Å"one who is concerned with†or â€Å"one who deals in.†Some French borrowings retain the -ier in English, for example bombardier, brigadier, cashier, clothier, courier, and chocolatier. The suffix -eur is a French suffix unchanged in English. Its usual use is to form agent nouns from verbs, for example: amateur, one who does something for the love of it. connoisseur (from Latin cognÃ… scÄ•re, â€Å"to know†), one who knows, especially about matters of taste. provocateur, one who provokes a disturbance. raconteur (from French raconter, â€Å"to recount, tell†), one who tells stories. restaurateur, one who owns and manages a restaurant. saboteur, one who commits sabotage. secateur, something that cuts. All three forms- restaurateur, restauranteur, and restauranteer- appear on the Ngram Viewer, but restauranteur is close to the bottom of the grid, and restauranteer is barely a blip. The Chicago Manual of Style points out that restauranteur may appear in some dictionaries without being an example of good usage. The Associated Press Stylebook lists restaurateur as the only spelling. The reader who asked the question also asks to know how to remember the correct spelling. Perhaps this will help: Restaurateur begins like restaurant, but does not include the n, and it ends with the suffix -teur. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:English Grammar 101: All You Need to KnowUse a Dash for Number RangesHow to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk
Friday, February 14, 2020
British Invasion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
British Invasion - Essay Example They did not only copy their music style, but their rebellious images that were close to British youth. Thanks to that a few successful British artists appeared, namely The Shadows and Cliff Richard, but their popularity was nothing close to that of the American musicians, and therefore their influence on the American music charts was limited. In 1962 the single Telstar by the British band The Tornadoes became number one in the USA. This event marked the initial stage of the British Invasion. But the real start of this great wave of music was in December 1963, when the song I Want to Hold Your Hand by The Beatles appeared on American radio stations and became extremely popular. On February 9th 1964, the Beatles performed live on The Ed Sullivan Show and from that day on Beatlemania swept the United States. â€Å"This appearance was a remarkable social and cultural milestone of the 1960's, and marked the dramatic start of the British Invasion†(The British Invasion) The special flavor that the British musicians added to the initially American sound, made this music very popular. At it is known, there were two schools in the British invasion. The groups representing the first school were called â€Å"skiffle†bands. Skiffle is a modern folk-country-blues. ... ar boxes, washboards for percussion, and an occasional acoustic guitar or piano†(Fontenot) The typical representatives of the style were the Ken Colyer Skiffle Band and Lonnie Donegan, who established skiffle as the musical phenomenon. Even though skiffle music is considered the one to be played by simple folks, who could not afford expensive instruments, such great rock groups as The Beatles and The Kinks started out their careers and road to popularity as the skiffle bands. The second school of bands developed later, by the beginning of the 60s, mainly around London. It â€Å"comprised of groups playing rhythm and blues based on the more sound of classic American Blues artists such as Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf†(The British Invasion) The groups successfully performed in the UK and around Europe (mostly in Germany) and in the 1961-1962 they started developing variations of the American styles of music. Among the most popular groups that played in rhythm and blues s tyle there were The Animals, The Rolling Stones, Manfred Mann, etc. With the skyrocketing takeoff of the Beatles in the United States’ music market the whole explosion of the British bands in the America began, which later led to the spread of the popularity of the British bands throughout the world. The Beatles’ songs began to dominate the American music charts. The success of The Beatles was followed by the other British bands, such as The Animals, The Kinks, Gerry and the Peacemakers, Peter and Gordon, Manfred Mann, The Rolling Stones, The Zombies, Herman’s Hermits, Petula Clark, etc. The British Invasion was basically over by 1967, when American music became very similar in style to the British one. American groups, namely the Byrds, began emulating the British sound, and even the appearance
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Allocation of Fixed Costs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Allocation of Fixed Costs - Essay Example But in recent environment where the overheads such as IT cost became a major portion in product cost. In advanced manufacturing technology overheads are likely to be more important and therefore it is difficult to justify the IT costs on the basis of absorption costing methodology. The problem arises when the company is not able to decide that on which basis the IT costs should allocate into company products. There are many different techniques can be used for allocation of IT costs. Some of them are mentioned below According to many successful financial advisors, the use of Activity Based Costing (ABC) methodology can be a best and beneficial technique for the allocation of IT costs. In addition, it is also proved by accounting practices of past few decades that activity based costing is absolutely a best technique for charging allocating the major complex overheads costs like IT costs. Activity based costing is just one method of charging IT costs because it focuses on the identifi cation of actual IT costs and can give the true and accurate results. A simple charge back costing technique can be also a good option for allocation of IT cost but it is only feasible only at first stage and the company can face many of big inherent problems at the end of process. Why Activity Based Costing (ABC) is best technique for the allocation of IT costs ABC Vs Flat Rate: In comparison with other costing methodologies the Activity based costing technique always gives accurate results and could be a true measure of profitability. For example, Allocation of overheads on flat rate system hides the inefficiencies of the systems and causes many serious problems in long run. Using a flat rate is can be the best option to get cost transparency but sometimes it can be headache for business leaders because they started to thin k that, they are charged greater than the their use. Using flat rate system, there is a possibility of greater charges in respect with little use of service. C omplexity of IT costs: On the other side of coin, other traditional approaches are not able to measure the complexity of the IT costs properly while the Activity based costing recognize the complexity with its multiple cost drivers. Realistic Approach: In modern competitive environment, companies must be able to assess profitability realistically. Activity based costing methodology facilitates a good understanding of what drives IT costs. Purpose of Allocation Simple the cost allocation is the process of charging the indirect costs in to products on the base of services they consume. It is a process of charging the portion of shared services from cost centers in to a product or service. In current technological environment, the overheads are likely to be far more important and in fact direct labour may account for as little 5% of a product cost. In advance environment many non-volume related support activities such as IT costs have captured a great part in company’s profitabi lity that’s why the fair allocation of IT costs is more important to measure the true profitability level. Benefits of Allocation There are many benefits of allocation of IT costs. Some of them are mentioned below: Proper Accountability of resources: In current competitive trends, enterprises demand more accountability of their funds and they try to use their resources in effective manner. For this purpose, Proper allocation of IT
Friday, January 24, 2020
My Twelve Hours of Independence :: Personal Narrative
My Twelve Hours of Independence As the expansive tour bus inscribed with Arrow Stage Lines on both sides, pulled up to the station, I felt my heart leap with excitement. This was really happening to me. All this time of planning and anticipating, and now my dream was coming true! I could hardly wait to be on my own and to be away from my family for a whole week! Looking around, I could see only five other people that I knew. Four of these people were my family members and the other was a friend of mine who was going with me. The driver of the huge bus climbed down from his perch behind the wheel and introduced himself as Juan Alvarez. I loaded my luggage into the compartment below the bus, told my family goodbye, and walked up the steps of the bus. I soon met the three other people who were riding with John and me and then settled into my seat for the long bus ride to Liberty, Missouri where we would be attending the Farmland Youth Leadership Conference. The five of us were basically on our own. It was just us and the bus driver, who couldn't speak very much English. We had a lot of stops along the way to pick up other students attending the conference so we plugged in a movie and turned on the zone mode that would get us through the twelve-hour drive. After only one minor delay of our bus breaking down just outside of Denver, we had successfully picked up all of the attendees from Colorado. There were about twenty-five of us altogether. We changed drivers in Denver, then drove on towards Hays, Kansas, where we would pick up some more students. By this time, it was about 6:30 in the morning, and the bus was nearing the small town of Ellis, which is about twenty minutes outside of Hays. The movie Pure Country was playing, but I had fallen asleep long before it had started. It was just finishing when it happened. One minute I was comfortably curled up, lying across two seats and the next I was bounced into the aisle of the bus. Thankfully, John was sitting in the seat directly across from mine, so he helped me up out of the aisle and had me sit down next to him. I watched in horror as the bus sped through the grassy median and then bounced back on to the Interstate. The entire bus was in a state of confusion, as almost everybody had been asleep when the bus went off the road.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Health and Social Care induction Booklet
Check these details with the people you care for and stick to them. Rights We all have rights and just because we can no longer kick after our selves this goes not mean all our rights disappear, the right to go to bed when we want. The right to decide what to wear and which room we want to sit in. Choice If you were unable to choose anything for yourself ask yourself would you be happy if these choices were taken away from you! The answer I'm sure is no! Then why would the people you are caring for be any different. Rivalry If everyone just walked into your house without asking would you be happy, NO. Knock on the door before entering a room; make sure the door is closed when carrying out personal hygiene. Protect the private information Of the people you care for as if it was yours. Independence Allow the people you care for to do things for themselves, you are there to support them to be independent Dignity To treat someone with dignity is to treat them as being of importance, in a way that is considerate of their diversity, as valued individuals.When dignity is present people feel in control, valued, confident, comfortable and able to make decisions for themselves. Respect Respect involves valuing the people you care for, acknowledging their value. This will express itself in certain behaviors for example extending common oratories, expressing concern for others and their well-being taking their feelings and experiences seriously. The Guidance and standards that is relevant to your role – Human Rights Act There are 16 basic rights in the Human Rights Act. Each one is called an Article.They are all taken from the European Convention on Human Rights. They affect everybody. They are also about your rights in everyday life. What you can say and do. Your beliefs. The right to life Freedom from being tortured or killed The right to marry and a family life The right to liberty and security Freedom of expression Protection from discrimination in respect of th ese rights and freedoms UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Protects the rights of all children to an education, to be healthy, to a childhood, to be treated fairly and to be heard.These included the ‘Right to life The right to family life It forbids capital punishment General Social Care Council Code of Practice Provides a clear guide, for those who work, in health and social care. Setting out the standards of practice, responsibilities and conduct for employees and their employers to follow. Employee should- Protect the rights of the service userRespect the rights of the service user Promote the independence of the service user Establish and maintain Be accountable and take responsibility for your actions Employers should- Ensure that the people they employ are suitable and understand their role and responsibility Provide appropriate training and development for their employees to strengthen their skills Have policies and procedures in place to cover any dangerous or di scriminatory behavior Nursing and Midwifery Council code of Practice You must make the care of the person you care for your primary concern.You have a duty of care always to them. You are personally accountable for your actions or inactions in your work life always. Valuing and Respecting Service Users Values guide the way we live our lives and the decisions we make. A value is defined as something that we hold dear, those characters or behaviors which we consider to be of importance. Everyone has the right to be valued and respected for their own individuality. We should take the service user's feelings, needs, thoughts, ideas, wishes and preferences into consideration. It means taking all of these seriously and giving them worth and value.Giving money respect seems similar to valuing them and their thoughts, feelings, etc. It also includes acknowledging them, listening to them, being truthful with them, and accepting their individuality and differences. Treat others how you would want yourself or a relative to be treated. Valuing Adults Listen to the service user, ask them what they want and how they want to do it, then help them to achieve it. Do not automatically do things for the service user; allow them to do things for themselves and aide when required Be flexible allow service user to decide when they want to do things such as eating, going to bed, getting up.Valuing children Acknowledge them When you communicate with a child come down to their level Treat them as equals Encourage them to do things for themselves Be patient The importance of a person-centered approach is to ensure the service user is thought of first before anyone else. Also it makes sure that the knowledge that a service user has about what they want and need, then provides information about what is the best thing to do. As a career you should focus on the wants, wishes and needs of the service user.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Essay on Vietnam and Korean Wars Ruined Americas Image
The Vietnam War and Korean War greatly changed America forever. It was the longest war fought in America’s history, lasting from 1950 to 1973. Both of the Wars ruined America’s self-image by waging war against the people of Korea and Vietnam becoming the first time in history the United States failed to accomplish its stated war aims, to preserve a separate, independent, non-communist government. The elections had great effects on the America, as the communist parties of Korea and Vietnam led millions of their people to restore the independence of each individual country. The Americans strictly against national elections rose to take control, but ended up mishandling the situation. Now the question is not about how come they did this, but†¦show more content†¦However, this election never happened, because the United States knew that, if the elections would happen, the North Vietnamese communist would likely win because the popularity of communist parties was gr owing through Vietnam and Korea. This was identified to be dangerous for America; it would extremely weaken their global power, and strengthen the Soviet Union. The war itself did show clearly to the Soviet Union that the U.S. was willing to use any methods required to stop the spread of communism. America is a country which always told the citizens of their country that they will do anything to save the citizens of any country; they had the belief in spreading freedom and democracy internationally. Meaning that when they intervened the situation in Vietnam, they were actually stopping the elections, because it would cause too much harm to the people of Vietnam, but instead the United States were not protecting the Vietnamese people, rather they were harming them. Not only did the U.S. prevent the Vietnamese from taking part in elections, but during the course of the war, civilian fatalities were treated as horribly. Because the North-Vietnamese forces were peasants, just like the civilians, they were very difficult to tell apart. There are recorded cases of entire villages of being examined because of suspicion of the communist from North Vietnam. America’s commitment of saving citizens was not as pure as it seemed, they caused a lotShow MoreRelatedWhy Did The United St ates Lose The War Of Vietnam? Essay1545 Words  | 7 Pageslose the war in Vietnam? Could the US have won? Before the Vietnam War, the United States had never lost a war. 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